I am Karen Philip, a McTimoney chiropractor working at Lushington Chiropractic clinic in Eastbourne. This is a blog about a day in my life when at work at our chiropractic clinic in Eastbourne and what you might expect when coming to see me for a chiropractic care.
Journey to Lushington Chiropractic clinic in Eastbourne
My day starts really early in Brighton. When my alarm goes off, I have to try remember what day it is first. Then I like to get up and do the cat camel stretch to help wake me up and get my back moving well. My drive to work is my quiet time to get my head in the right space for the day. I am lucky enough to travel along the seafront and over the downs which is a beautiful drive. I love being able to see the sunrise as I drive along so it’s much nicer when the days start getting longer. Once I arrive at the clinic in Eastbourne I like to have a look at my diary and and browse through the notes of the guests who are coming in.
Seeing a new chiropractic client in Eastbourne
New guests always fill in a new guest questionnaire when they arrive. This gives me some idea of what is going on with you and what you are hoping to get help with. The most common types of things that guests seem to come and see us for are: cervicogenic headaches, migraine prevention, acute and chronic back pain that is not a result of an injury or accident, shoulder complaints, sciatica and general joint pains.
When you come into my room and we have a period where I ask lots of questions to help me determine what is going on. This can seem tedious at times, but I like to get to the root of the problem. You then change into a gown for an examination. I have a look at how you are moving, and also do some specific orthopaedic tests and neurological tests. All these tests help me to decide whether I am the best person to help you and what the best course of treatment is. This whole process takes about 1 hour. Occasionally I might determine that I need to take some x-rays. We only take x-rays if it is necessary in order to help us treat you appropriately. We are lucky enough to have x-ray facilities onsite which is really helpful as you receive the results very quickly.
What happens next?
After this initial consultation you get booked in for a follow up session where I explain what is going on and what I can do to help. This is also a great time to ask any questions you might have. We discuss a treatment plan and let you know what you can do to help. Then if you choose to, we can begin with some adjustments and probably some acupuncture. We also like to encourage all people to come to a talk where we show you things you can do to help yourself.
Chiropractic treatment in Eastbourne Chiropractic Clinic
When you first come in, we have a brief chat on how things have been, then I see how you are moving and find out what areas are not functioning correctly. Although pain is often the reason you come in, I like to focus on function as generally pain only occurs because things are not moving well. My ultimate goal is to help you heal better, not just feel better.
A chiropractic treatment includes me giving you some chiropractic adjustments to improve function and often includes some form of muscle treatment. I like to make use of some more gentle techniques of the McTimoney chiropractic technique and some more forceful chiropractic adjustments. I also like to make use of my arthrostim. This is a chiropractic adjusting instrument and is really helpful to get some movement into stiff areas. I like to use trigger point work to relieve muscle spasms. This involves holding various points in a muscle that are painful, with some pressure, for about a minute. A lot of the time you will also receive some acupuncture as this helps give some short term pain relief. At these sessions we can also discuss exercises that are appropriate for you. During the treatment we discover what areas of your body are still problematic and what areas are improving.
I hope this gives you some idea of what to expect when attending our chiropractic clinic in Eastbourne.
We have a lovely reception area and have an amazing team of chiropractic assistants who will be happy to help you in any way they can and take your bookings, payments and phone calls. If you think you might be in need of some chiropractic care, then please contact us.
At the end of the day, once I have done all my paperwork, I take a leisurely drive back across the downs to Brighton and once again have some quiet time to reflect on my day.

McTimoney Chiropractor
Message from Clinic Director James Revell
Karen qualified as a McTimoney Chiropractor in 2012. You can read more about Karen and what inspired her to become a McTimoney Chiropractor by looking at our meet the team page.
By Karen Philip
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