Ever wondered what a typical Tuesday is like for your massage therapist?
Although each day varies, we thought it would be really nice to share with you what the massage therapist’s day was like on a typical Tuesday in November.
Lushington Chiropractic’s massage therapist Andy Swan gets ready to start his day by setting up the room.
7:00 am
Arrive at Lushington Chiropractic Clinic in Eastbourne ready for a busy Tuesday morning as a massage therapist. I grab my files for the day and begin by setting up the room for my first guest.

First guest of the day an inspiring older lady with some ongoing neck and lower back pain. It is a real privilege to be able to help people who walk in with pain and discomfort but with a treatment plan and a little bit of work the results can be outstanding. After her massage she walks out straighter and taller and I am left thinking I hope I am as capable and able when I get to that age.
What is really exciting about working here at Lushington is the sheer variety of conditions and ailments that we deal with on a daily basis. Everything from general aches and pains to osteoarthritis of various joints to general stress relief from day to day stress and overwhelm.
Next guest an older gentleman with arthritis in his hip. He has regular massage as maintenance and management for his hip pain. This would involve some deep tissue massage along with some stretching protocols using the Active Isolated Stretching Method. These are great take home techniques which really help keep the musculoskeletal system moving and opening in between regular massage sessions.
Midmorning neck pain, shoulders arthritic pain and now some general maintenance massage, many guests have found that regular massage after the initial condition or ailment has been resolved keeps everything working and functioning better and also helps take care of any other underlying issues.
It can be really inspiring seeing the get up and go that our guests have and how committed they can be with their treatment plans.
It must be one of the best feelings to be able to help people and to see their continued improvement day to day.
Busy but exciting morning working with all these various conditions it never gets boring here as there is so much variety.
Close of shift for this Tuesday morning time to change the couch covers and prep the room for the next practitioner and then off to our weekly team meeting.
Next we hear from Oly Ody who is working the afternoon shift.
After a busy morning Personal Training at the Brighton University Gym in Meads, Eastbourne, I have just arrived in the town centre to Lushington Chiropractic, to start my shift as massage therapist. The chiropractic and massage team always meet on Tuesdays to discuss our guests and their treatment plans.
I enjoy working with the chiropractors in this multi-disciplinary way because it helps everyone to focus the attention on the guest and exactly what they need – rather than just doing the treatment you’re good at and not suggesting someone else who may be better able to help with a particular condition or problem. I think this ensures that our guests get the best possible care from both chiropractic and massage treatment modalities, plus any rehab exercises we’re working on.

Once I’d seen all of the chiropractors and discussed cases I set up my massage room for my first massage of the day.
A quick 10-minute break between massages, I have seen 3 people already for massage and rehabilitation exercises. Everyone is doing very well with their treatment.
The first two massage patients were new to me last week. They are a husband and wife who booked in for a double massage each. The double massages (1 hour 30 minutes are getting more popular than ever. Some people use them for relaxing massages others, like to have a firm deep tissue sports massage. They were both happy with how their sports massage treatments are coming on. They chose to see me because of the link with the chiropractors and the reputation of the clinic in the local area.
Myofascial release tool
With the last massage I used a unique metal tool, it is known as a myofascial release tool and the practice is referred to as “IASTM” (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation) and/or “Graston Technique” which the chiropractors will be more familiar with, both methods are similar in terms of technique and results.
The fascial release tool I have is called the MT2Blade and looks like something that should be in a Bruce Lee film! And although it can leave behind some red markings from where the underlying scar tissue/adhesions have been released the treatment itself is a lot less painful than many other typical sports massage techniques and the results are amazing.

The patient I used it on is in his 60’s, and has suffered with a stiff neck for years. I’ve seen him for a few massage treatments already but today we advance to the fascial release tool. Because of the preparation massage work we’d done it just took me a few minutes to release the tension and help ease some of the scar tissue. He could move his neck better straight away.
When he came in his neck was very stiff, but once we’d finished he could move much more easily and told me that “he is going to audition for the next exorcist movie with how much he can turn his head around!”
Now back to work for a couple more massages and a back rehab session – a new referral from James Revell Doctor of Chiropractic & Clinic Director. I’m seeing a thirty-year-old man for some rehab exercises to help strengthen his low back after a suspected disc injury through over training at the gym.
All done at the chiropractors now, just seen my last massage patient of the day – it’s been a busy day but it’s still not over for me yet!
Once I have tidied up the massage room ready for whoever is in first thing tomorrow I’m back up to the Brighton University Gym (Eastbourne Campus) in Meads, to take a Kettlebell Class from 8-9pm.
Kettlebells are a great tool for building strength and function as well as being quite aerobic too. Many of the exercises I use in the class involve recruiting lots of major muscles creating a nice oxygen debt which stresses the cardiovascular system as a result. I use kettlebells a lot in my personal training sessions too because of the benefits and variety they provide.
It’s been a long and busy day for me. I love keeping busy though and to be honest the results with people are so motivating. I look back and think the funniest bit was the “exorcist” remark from my patient who (used to have) a stiff neck. Another happy patient!
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