Hi, all you lovely people.
I’m back and hope you have been keeping safe and well. I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to in Lockdown this week. By the way, we have all graduated… kindly shared by Chiropractor Louise today –
It’s strange for me to write this, but lockdown is slowly becoming normality for me. I’m sure some of you are feeling the same, especially those like me who are ‘Furloughed’. This is an odd word, don’t you think. I’d never heard of the word before now so I decided to look it up. Did you know the word ‘Furloughed’ originates from the 1600 -1700 and from the Dutch word verlof meaning “permission”? The word furlough was used until at least 1908 to describe military personnel home on leave’. I’ll remember this if I ever get on ‘who wants to be a millionaire’ it may be the winning question!
I’ve been managing to keep busy and here are some snippets from my week.
Time connecting with family
I’ve enjoyed spending time talking on the phone to family. Rather than just a quick text here and there when working, it’s been quite special to have time to talk. Especially as I have a number of family members who are working front line helping people with COVID-19. I worry for them so it’s extra special to catch up with them to say h0w proud I am of them and to check how they are.
My lovely Nephew below.
Reliving the 1990’s
Not sure I should be admitting this, but I YouTubed ‘Mr. Motivator’ and did a work out with him. Showing my age now. If you haven’t heard of him look him up. He was on TV in the 1990’s helping to keep Britain fit with his workout sessions. He always made me smile with his energy and extremely colourful work out attire. Sadly I did not have a colorful outfit to match his. I enjoyed the workout in my PJ’s instead (it was early morning).
I have found my love again for painting
Some of you may already know this about me that I just adore doing anything creative, however, I’ve not painted a picture in a very long time. This all changed this week when my lovely nephew and his girlfriend gave me a painting project. They asked for a lion and lioness picture to go in their home. My first thought was OMG! Not a simple picture to ease me back in!
I was soon loving the time peacefully painting, extremely relaxing and therapeutic. I completed the final brush strokes this morning. What do you think?
Enjoying the beauty in my neighbourhood
My daily walk. Amazing what you can learn about your neighbouhood when taking a stroll. To walk around the block where I live is exactly 763 steps. Now if Chiropractor’s Mykel or Gary walked it, I bet they could do it in half the steps I took! It also takes me 1763 steps for a round trip to the local shop for milk and bread. I Didn’t know this before the lockdown 😊. I have also noticed how many neighbours have beautiful pristine gardens. It’s a delight to take time to admire them and see the gorgeous flowers in bloom. Spring is a beautiful time.
One of my neighbours gorgeous garden full of flowers. I’m jealous.
As we have been blessed with beautiful warm and sunny weather we decided to give our Bungalow a facelift with a coat of paint to brighten it up. I painted the lower parts and my husband the higher parts. I still couldn’t reach the top even though it is a bungalow.
I hope you’ve all had a good week. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to or if you’d like to share some pictures.
I have another painting project next week, courtesy of my husband and I’ll also be looking forward to more exercises with ‘Mr Motivator’ 🙂
Bye for now and please keep safe and well x


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