Interview with Eastbourne Chiropractor Mykel Mason – Part 1
You’ve all seen Mykel around the clinic but I thought it it would be really interesting to get to know him a little better and find out what motivated him to become a chiropractor.

So, Mykel, tell me how you came to be a chiropractor in Eastbourne.
Well, that’s a very long story. Do you want the long version or the short version?
The long version, please – let’s hear it all!
I first got into chiropractic after I needed a chiropractor myself. This was while I was studying for my GCSEs in Eastbourne. Prior to this, I had no idea what a chiropractor did and I just hoped that they could help me.
What problems did you have which made you see a chiropractor?
I had low back pain which I had been told was growing pains, but it clearly wasn’t. My mum’s friend, who lives in Eastbourne, recommended that I see a chiropractor after she had had success with treatment herself. After seeing a chiropractor in Eastbourne, the results were fantastic and I realised that more people needed to see chiropractors right from the start, rather than putting up with the pain as we so often do.
Did you know immediately that you wanted to be a chiropractor, or did it take some time to realise that?
Not immediately. I, like most people in their teens, had no idea what I wanted to do. Throughout my youth what I wanted to do changed a lot – at times I wanted to be a medical doctor, and then at other times I wanted to be a fireman – and then one time I wanted to be Superman! But I was always interested in how the body worked and how amazing the body was. Chiropractic was a good way for me to continue learning about something I enjoyed so much.
So, tell me about your studies while you were training to be a chiropractor.
My studies took place at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic. I chose to go here over the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic because it was in a full university setting. Meaning that other subjects were being studied and there were halls of residence. I felt that that would be more suited to me. Being from Eastbourne and studying in Wales meant I was away from my family a lot, which was a shame, but also a good thing in that it taught me to be really independent, as opposed to other people who were going home every weekend with their washing! The studies themselves were very good. There was a lot more to it than I thought, but I was always happy to be learning new things.
And how long was your course?
My course was four years, but I have continued to learn since graduating and still enjoy it as much as I did then!
That takes us on to continuing professional development. What courses have you done since graduating that you particularly enjoyed, and can you explain to people why CPD is important.
CPD is important because knowledge and techniques in the chiropractic profession are always evolving. Since being a chiropractor in Eastbourne, I have really noticed through working with other chiropractors that there are many other skills to learn. CPD courses that I have particularly enjoyed – well, most of them really! Ones of note would be one that I did on lumbar disc derangements (which is a slipped disc), which I found particularly interesting and really useful. I have been able to apply this to many cases, including those without lumbar disc derangements. I also did a seminar on a technique called ‘sacro-occipital technique’ with YOU (points to interviewer)!! I really enjoyed using this, as I found it very, very useful. The diagnostic techniques and the treatment techniques have been invaluable with some of my patients, especially some that weren’t improving as quickly as I felt they should have been and this shows how important it is to do CPD so that we can deliver the best possible chiropractic care in Eastbourne.
This interview is continued in Interview with Eastbourne Chiropractor Mykel Mason – Part 2…


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