I have been seeing Doctor of Chiropractic Mykel Mason for sometime now and I am amazed by the results!
Before my first visit I was very nervous, not sure what to expect but he put me at my ease and I relaxed, Mykel asked me lots of questions about my health and lifestyle and checked me very thoroughly. My reason for seeing him was that I had a very painful shoulder, but it wasn’t painful all the time so I thought if I went to see a doctor he would probably just tell me it was ‘frozen shoulder’ and send me on my way! Mykel Mason (Doctor of Chiropractic) showed me that my main problem was my posture…..surprise!
I have always been aware that I sit hunched at the computer or whilst driving but I didn’t realize the problems it was causing, with Mykel’s help my posture is improving and I am more aware of it so that I consciously sit more upright and adjust my shoulders so they are less rounded, as a result of this I have found that I rarely get a headache now, if I do it is probably self inflicted!
My shoulder already feels so much better, I also commented to Mykel that I was having real problems with my ankle and he has helped me with that too and I have not had a problem with since!
Before I started working at Lushington Chiropractic I didn’t really have a very clear idea of what chiropractic was, like most people I thought you only went to see a chiropractor when you had hurt your back and they ‘cracked’ it for you and after a few visits that was it!
I have now learnt that there is so much more to Chiropractic; Chiropractors are specialists in muscle, joint and trapped nerve type problems and they can help people with many more problems than just a bad back, they focus on getting to the root of the problem and helping your body to heal and actually work better
The ‘cracking’ you sometimes hear during an adjustment is actually an audible release of gas (joint cavitation) that is caused by the release of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, which releases joint pressure
Chiropractors are also very keen to help you maintain your ‘wellness’ after your recovery and will advise on diet and exercises you can do to maintain your good posture.
When did you last have your posture checked?
Call now 01323 722499
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