The Adventures of a Chiropractor in Lockdown.
This is a little bit tongue in cheek because I’ve really not been on any adventures at all! Hahahaha. But for those of you that may be curious, I have attached some pictures from the last few weeks of some of the things that have been keeping me busy.
So pretty much everyday starts with me on my yoga mat. I am lucky enough to have a cousin in London that runs a very popular Pilates clinic and they have started to do online mat classes, so I start most mornings with an intense but gratifying Pilates class.
Seeing at the weather has been so good, I’ve been enjoying the lovely view from my study window in the mornings while I do something a little crafty…
This isn’t a great pic, but my current craft project (I usually have about three or four on the go at once) is a diamond dots picture of some flowers in a vase. I’ve loved doing this and I will feel a little lost when it is done.
Something almost no one knows about me is I LOVE PUZZLES!!! Especially the wasgij ones where you have to guess the picture. I have done four of them since the lockdown began but thought I’d save you from having to look at all of them by just posting the hardest one!
As many of you know, I am from South Africa, so I’m very far from my family and friends. This lockdown has given me more time to catch up with my loved ones. A couple of weeks ago, my family from all over the world got together on a conference call to do a family Pilates class. It was great fun as I have a very vast Italian family (my dad is one of thirteen children and I have 32 cousins on his side, plus spouses and kiddies!!) and we’re spread over 4 continents!
My gorgeous nieces have also been calling me everyday and they do various artworks to show me. In this picture they have each coloured in a Union Jack because I live in the UK. They were very excited to show me the flag of my new home.
Last week, just before Easter, the president of South Africa addressed the nation to extend the lockdown there. He made a very beautiful speech and I thought I would share this lovely quote from his address.
I had given up chocolate for lent so naturally my breakfast on Easter Sunday was this extremely sweet treat. I do not recommend this as I felt awful afterwards!
Easter Sunday was spent attempting to do a group call with my parents, brothers, sisiers-in-law, nephews and nieces. This was more challenging than I thought it would be but I loved it as Easter is a very special holiday in my family and last year we were all together in South Africa on Easter Sunday.
Also went for a lovely walk up to Beachy Head on Easter Sunday
Then treated myself to a delicious Lamb shank for lunch. Please note I am no gourmet and usually I cook very simply for myself but seeing as it was such a lovely day I thought I’d splash out with a really yummy and hearty meal!
Finally, I love spending my evenings on the sofa looking out at the sea while the sun sets. It’s so peaceful and I am so grateful for these moments.
I hope that you are all well and staying positive!
By Louise Lamberti
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