Things I have learned from my injury – A chiropractor’s perspective
I am one of those people lucky enough to have never sustained any noteworthy injuries in my life. As an avid dancer throughout my school and university years I had minor injuries here and there but nothing serious enough to require me to wear a cast or a moonboot or have to take time out of any activities. As a chiropractor I think that this has not been very beneficial…let me tell you why. A large part of our education as chiropractors is learning about the intricacies of the healing process in various tissues. I use this knowledge to discuss healing time and what to expect while healing takes place with my patients on a daily basis. So theoretically I have an extremely good grasp of how healing works but up until now I have lacked a wealth of firsthand experience of how truly scary and frustrating this process can be.
I have recently severely sprained my ankle while out and about on an inflatable obstacle course – oh how silly I feel! – and this has resulted in me having to wear a moonboot constantly for four weeks. This has been an excellent lesson for me as I have been through all the emotions that I know my patients feel while patiently waiting for their bodies to do what our miraculous bodies do so well – HEAL. I thought I would take what I have learned and write about it to help anyone who might be feeling a little down or frustrated while going through the healing process.

So easy to say, but seriously, your body has this. It knows exactly what it needs to do to get you well. Let your body do its thing and, in the meantime, keep a positive mindset and try nourish your body with a healthy diet and plenty of water to help it do its best for you.
I’m sure you’ve heard your chiropractor or massage therapist say this at least once. Honestly, this is the most important thing for me. Healing takes time and there is nothing that can make you instantaneously heal, no matter how much you might wish that there was! Time is a healer, be patient with your body! Your body is so wonderfully clever, but it does things in its own time, not yours.
You would think as a chiropractor this would not be a lesson that I would need to learn but my golly has it been one of my biggest lessons!! Your chiropractor or massage therapist is doing their best for you and your body. They will ALWAYS act in your best interests and will not lead you astray so if they suggest you need to move a little more or less than usual or avoid certain things, doing so will only aid in your recovery. Sometimes they will suggest doing an exercise or stretch that might cause a bit of discomfort, communicate this to them but strive to do as much as you can. These little things can go a long way in helping you to get back to normal.
This is a very broad statement but what I mean by this is that no one is immune to injury and you have not necessarily done anything wrong to cause your injury. These things do happen and although it is true that sometimes we may be more prone to injury due to repetitive stresses, poor postures and dangerous activities, it can happen to anyone. Most people have sustained one or many more injuries in their lives.
Want to find out more about foot and ankle pain?
If you’ve enjoyed this blog and want to find out more about foot and ankle pain, then please check out one of our other blogs below.
An Eastbourne Chiropractors guide to Plantar Fasciitis
An Eastbourne Chiropractors guide to Achilles Tendonitis
If you want to learn more about our clinic, our wonderful practitioners or how we could help you, please check out our website at https://chirocare.co.uk/
By Louise Lamberti
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