Why I love working at Lushington Chiropractic
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Why I love working at Lushington Chiropractic
I love working at Lushington Chiropractic…
I know many people may be surprised by that statement. There are so many people I come across who do not enjoy their jobs, but for me it really is the case!
I find it very interesting to see people come in to the chiropractic clinic in great discomfort and feeling uneasy as they don’t really know what to expect. As a clinic assistant I try to be friendly and welcoming and answer any questions that they may have, the most common one being …”Where is the toilet?”
Once they have seen the chiropractor the guest is often visibly relieved, they know that the chiropractor has given them an extremely thorough examination and knows exactly what is wrong with them and more importantly that something can be done about their problem or issue.
Often after only a very few visits the guest will comment about how much better they feel. Sometimes these people have experienced pain for a long period of time and had resigned themselves to ‘putting up with’ their issue. For many, the only solution they had found was to take pain killers – which, of course, only masks the symptoms and doesn’t get to the root of the problem.
The chiropractors are constantly learning and all attend courses that further their knowledge and allow them to develop their own specialities. For instance, Caroline Mulliner (Doctor of Chiropractic) loves working with children and Victoria White (Doctor of chiropractic) enjoys using dry needling (acupuncture). It triggers the body to produce pain-relieving substances such as endorphins and serotonin in the pain pathways of both the spinal cord and the brain. This modifies the way pain signals are received and improves circulation to the area and decreases muscle tightness, which can have the effect of increasing joint flexibility.
Mykel Mason (Doctor of chiropractic) has attended several courses which has enabled him to help people a lot with exercises to improve their posture which in turn helps to alleviate their symptoms and James Revell (Doctor of chiropractic) has attended many courses one of which recently was all about using Rocktape, which can have a dramatic effect on swollen and bruised skin.
Lushington Chiropractic has received multiple chiropractic and customer service awards. We won Business of the Year in 2014 and we are the only business in Eastbourne to gain a PPQM award from the Royal College of Chiropractors. This recognises excellence in meeting patient expectations, treating patients with respect and providing outstanding levels of service and care.
This is because we try to maintain very high standards with the work of all the professionals and the clinic assistants. The clinic is always clean and tidy and interesting for people when they come to visit. We aim to make every visit as beneficial for our guests as possible, so there are always lots of chiropractic and health-related materials on the walls and notice board for people to read. We also like to fill the clinic with fun things that will bring a smile to people’s faces, like photographs from the latest charity challenge that someone has taken part in!
A new innovation brought in within the team at Lushington is ‘Team member of the month’. Once a month at our regular team meetings we vote for a member that has done something that has touched us, or cheered us up or just made us smile. The person with the most votes is made team member of the month and their picture goes on the wall for all guests to see with a miniature, and I do mean miniature trophy!!
Charity work is something that is very important at Lushington Chiropractic. The clinic has taken part in many charity events:
In 2014 James Revell (Doctor of Chiropractic), Sue Hudson (Massage therapist), our podiatrist, admin staff and some chiropractic guests completed the Paris to Eastbourne Pier bike ride in 24 hours which raised money for St Wilfrid’s Hospice.
Later on in the year, James Revell (Doctor of Chiropractic) and some friends of the clinic independently completed a London to Lushington bike ride, 90 miles in 12 hours from Buckingham Palace to Eastbourne raising more money for St Wilfrid’s
In November, several of the male team members grew moustaches for ‘Movember’, which raises funds for Men’s health (testicular cancer, prostate cancer and poor mental health and physical inactivity). It is a sad fact that on average, across the world, men die 6 years earlier than women.
Throughout the year during the Eastbourne schools’ half-term holidays Lushington Chiropractic offers Free Health Posture Checks for school age children, waiving the fee in exchange for a donation to Barnardo’s Children’s Charity.
Lushington Chiropractic entered a team into the Gauntlet Games on Saturday 8th August 2015 in aid of Barnardo’s.
James Revell, Mykel Mason and Claire, one of our fabulous clinic assistants, were joined by three other brave (possibly foolish) team members to slip, slide and crawl their way through a series of obstacles manned by gladiators doing their best to throw them off course! James and Mykel completed the 10k course and the ladies completed the 5k
They were extremely muddy and tired at the end but had had a fantastic time and helped to raise money for Barnardo’s at the same time!
Lushington Chiropractic is also registered with ‘Hands for Heroes’
What is ‘Hands for Heroes’ about? It’s about honouring our courageous Servicemen and women, both serving and retired, by providing valuable, practical, hands-on care to relieve physical, emotional and chemical stress and trauma.
We provide a series of sessions of chiropractic care that is free to Gulf, Iraq or Afghanistan veterans
Hopefully it is becoming clear that we at Lushington Chiropractic are serious about chiropractic care but do not take ourselves too seriously!!
One thing that we do every month to enable us to keep in touch with each other and keep up to date with what is going on in each other’s lives is ‘Lush News’, where we write a short piece about what has been going on for us accompanied by photos which can be very interesting!!!
My husband likes to grow vegetables and flowers and sometimes the amount that he produces at the height of the growing season can be a bit overwhelming!! So it is a good thing that everyone at Lushington is very keen to try to eat a healthy balanced diet from our supplies. Needless to say, this often leads to some weird and wonderful concoctions appearing in the form of juicing experiments. In fact, the latest innovation has been various kinds of vegetable spaghetti made using a spiralizer. I always know that the excess veggies will be gratefully received at the clinic and never seem to hang around for very long and the flowers help to brighten up the reception area…..Keep up the good work Phil!!
You may be wondering what chiropractors do?
Chiropractors have expert training to diagnose and treat muscle, joint and trapped nerve type problems throughout the body. The focus is always on getting to the root of a problem and helping the body work better.
Chiropractors are specialists. They are also licensed to take and read x-rays.
Our aim is to help the body work at its best, as healthy as possible.
Health is a state of optimal physical, mental and social wellbeing. Not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.
The way we think about health makes a difference to the way we live. It helps us make important choices about how we look after our body.
Good health depends on your body’s ability to cope with the stresses and strains of life. Good health is when each and every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body are working at their best.
Chiropractors believe health comes from within. When our body is working properly, it knows what to do, when and how to do it and when to stop doing it.
Chiropractic is so much more than just backs……….Most often, people go to chiropractors the first time for relief from back pain. But chiropractors treat a broad range of complaints, from back and neck pain to headaches, arthritis and more. Moreover, people don’t need to have a specific complaint to benefit from a visit. Chiropractors also focus on on-going preventive and wellness care. Chiropractic care is effective for people of all ages, from infants to the elderly.
Here at Lushington Chiropractic we are also able to offer many therapies that work well alongside chiropractic.
We have 3 massage therapists who offer therapeutic massage: Sue Hudson Bsc(Hons), LSSM(Dip0, MISRM, Andy Swan LSSM(Dip), MISRM, MNHMA and Kirsty Ellis
What is therapeutic massage?
Therapeutic massage means massage used to treat a condition. It can involve gentle and/or deep tissue massage techniques, depending on what you need or want. Therapeutic massage helps to relieve pain or injury problems and feels great. Although a course of treatment is often needed, most people feel the benefits immediately. As well as massage, you might also be given advice on stretches and/or exercise to help your muscles heal properly.
At Lushington we only work with massage therapists with the highest of standards and training. We’re blessed with a fabulous team of therapists, each of whom have years of experience as well as a background in sports or health too.
Our massage therapists are highly professional and love what they do. As well as their original qualifications they’re constantly doing continuing professional development courses and studies.
Remember the firmness of the massage is entirely up to you. Just let them know when you see them if you’d prefer light, relaxing massage or deeper, firmer sports massage.
You can also enjoy Traditional Chinese Acupuncture at Lushington, which is practised by Robert Bowley.
Robert practices Chinese “syndrome acupuncture” (mainstream acupuncture as practised in China).
This type of acupuncture is an aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been practised for thousands of years. It is now one of the most widely recognised complementary therapies.
Lushington is proud to have local leading podiatrist Marie Upton BSc (Hons), Podiatry MChs, Member of HCPC as part of the team. Marie has a passion for podiatry and foot care. She has thirty years of experience and continues to develop her knowledge and clinical skills with regular continuing professional development, courses and seminars.
Apart from the common issues like corns and callus or nail disorders, a number of disorders such as diabetes can affect your feet and there might also be a case of functional and or structural disorders that Marie can help with.
Steve Clifford R.M.N, R.N.LD, Dip.C, Pg, C.C.P, Pg.D (CBT), A.C.T.P has worked in the field of psychological health for over thirty years. He believes that certain qualities are essential to successful therapy – trust, discretion, motivation, confidentiality and respect. With therapy tailored to your needs, he will ensure you to find a way to get your life back on track.
Nutritional therapy practitioners like Michaela Jezzard use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to an individual’s symptoms and health concerns. This approach allows them to work with individuals to address nutritional balance and help support the body towards maintaining health. Nutritional therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine and is relevant for individuals with chronic conditions, as well as those looking for support to enhance their health and wellbeing.
I hope that you can see from all of the above that there is a great deal of variety at Lushington Chiropractic which means we are able to help people in a completely holistic way
This is why it is such a unique experience to work here!!
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