Do You Miss Your Chiropractic Treatments as Much as I do?
There’s a lot of things I’m missing whilst I’m stuck at home as part of the Coronavirus Social Distancing measures. But I’m increasingly missing my chiropractic treatments. I’m not in any great pain – but I know the difference.
Chiropractors have a mandate from the General Chiropractic Council (the Governing body that was established by Parliament to regulate Chiropractic), to continue to provide Emergency Care at this time of national crisis. But I although I’d love to see one of my colleagues at the clinic I can’t honestly say it’s an emergency. And I wouldn’t want to put them (or myself) and our families at risk by compromising the need for Social Distancing. So I thought I’d share some of the self-help tricks I’m using to look after myself.
It’s not an Emergency but I miss my chiropractic treatments. I miss feeling better than I do now.
But first lets have a bit of fun.
We shot this “True Life” video a few years ago it documents a “Typical” response to a chiropractic treatment . . .
Disclaimer: This is obviously not a “True Life” documentary of a “Typical” response to chiropractic treatment.
Skip to 1.05sec if you want to miss the consultation part.
I’m sure all our guests recognise that feeling too.
What Self-Help Tips do You Want?
As promised I’ll share some of the self-help tricks I’m using to look after myself whilst I’m missing my chiropractic treatments. If there’s a particular ache, pain or stiffness you’re suffering with then comment below and I’ll share some tips on that first. Or you can connect with me through Facebook, Email or even phone 01323 722499 (although I’m not on duty every day). The best way is to Comment below as I’ll get that notification direct. No need to share personal info just let me know what you’d like me to advise on first!
P.S. I’d love to hear your guesses as to how long ago we shot this video (look I had hair!). Go on – Comment below and have a guess – I’d love to hear from you. It takes a few seconds to authenticate you so you can comment (that’s because we used to get a lot of spam – thank you). Have a guess YEAR and MONTH!
P.P.S. We’ve already done a lot of self-help blogs – use the search bar to check them out. Here’s one I use to remind me of some of the stretches I need to help improve my posture and reduce the pressure on my lower back. Comment below to let me know what tips and advice you want to know about?
PPPS. Some neck stretches can be found one these two blogs. Karen’s Neck Stretches Gary’s Neck stretch list
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