Setting Goals – Making the best of a bad situation
Unfortunately, with the current coronavirus a lot of us have a significant amount of free time on our hands. It is easy to dwell on the negatives and things out of our control, but instead let’s focus on the positives and what we can do and settling some interim goals can help.
Using our time productively can have many health benefits mental and physical. The best way to start is to create a list of goals or targets. Statistics show that creating a list and writing or typing them out, gives you a higher chance or achieving these goals.
At the bottom of this blog you can find a list of example goals to help get you started.
Not all goals we set are equal and to give you the maximum chance of achieving them we need to make them SMART goals.
Smart Goals
SMART is an acronym to help you make goals more achievable.
Specific – State what you will do, don’t be vague in the description.
Measurable – You should have a good definition of success. Using numbers to track progress and success.
Achievable – Your goal should be challenging but you should still have the resources to achieve it.
Realistic – Your goal is realistic and is possible to achieve it. Stating that I will be able to run a marathon in 2 weeks training is not realistic.
Time Based – State a time when your goal will be achieved by. Creating this time pressure will stop the delaying of your goal. It is also better to create small time constraints. Using weekly or monthly goals rather than say yearly. This will help with motivation and ensure they are attainable.
Which goal sounds better?
I will lose some weight.
I will lose 8 lbs of weight, over the course of the next four 4 weeks.
I will Exercise more.
I will exercise every day at 10 am and 4 pm for 30 mins each day over the next 2 weeks.
The second examples have a measurable specific goal. A time constraint which is realistic and achievable.
Goal Ideas
See below for a list of goal examples to keep you busy during this period
Exercise – Running, Cycling, YouTube exercise videos, walking, Yoga (Please ensure you are following the most up to date social interaction restrictions if you are looking at exercising outside).
Weight loss.
Finishing home DIY or gardening
Keeping in touch with family and friends
Learning a new language or skill
Practicing a musical instrument
Starting a new hobby or craft
Any further tips you can think that I may have missed. Drop them below in the comments.
Anyone working from home please check out my previous blog on workplace ergonomics.
Thank you for reading,
James Revell MChiro
Chiropractor at Lushington Chiropractic in Eastbourne
By James Revell
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