Chiropractic for arthritis
Arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition that can have a significant impact on the quality of life. World Arthritis Day is held each October to help raise awareness and share important information relating to the disease.
As part of their work within the community, Eastbourne chiropractic clinic, Lushington, works to highlight the importance of seeking treatment and the benefits of chiropractic each year.
Leading chiropractor James Revell says,
“I’ve seen too many people who’ve written themselves off and put up with joint and muscle pain needlessly. Obviously there’s no miracle cure, but there is plenty people can do to look after themselves better including advice as well as hands on treatment.”
A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine(i) reported that 63% of patients who visited a rheumatologist for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia conditions also sought some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Of these individuals, 31% (almost half) chose chiropractic care, making chiropractic the most popular alternative used by this group of people.
Importantly, 73% of these patients determined that chiropractic for arthritis was helpful in controlling their chronic pain and as a viable alternative to the continuous use of painkillers. An additional aspect of this study was to determine why these arthritic patients chose CAM and the reasons they gave are somewhat typical; (1) because their prescribed medication wasn’t working to control pain (2) because they heard it would help; (3) because it is safe; (4) because it helped someone they know.
James Revell adds,
“Reducing the use of prescription medicines or over-the-counter medications such as NSAIDs for pain relief means fewer harmful side effects and addiction from long term use. The lifestyle changes associated with chiropractic recommendations will also positively influence diet, exercise and overall health.”
(i) Rao JK, Mihaliak K, Kroenke K, Bradley J, Tierney WM, Weinberger M. Use of complementary therapies for arthritis among patients of rheumatologists. Ann Intern Med 1999; 131:409-416.
If you suffer from arthritis, or know someone who does, we recommend that you consider seeking help from a qualified and experienced health professional. All reputable chiropractors offer patients the opportunity to attend a relaxed initial consultation. This enables the patient to find out more about chiropractic for arthritis, how it works and how it can help to control pain and discomfort. During initial consultations a patient will also learn about the types of techniques and lifestyle changes that can be made to improve health and wellbeing beyond the treatment table.
Interested in chiropractic?
As a multi award-winning chiropractic clinic in Eastbourne, Lushington provides a range of treatments from expert chiropractic care to nutritional therapy, counselling, acupuncture, podiatry, sports massage and relaxing massage.
Call today to see why over 8,000 local people have already chosen Lushington to help them: 01323 722499.


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