Lots of people don’t know who to see for sciatica.
Most people don’t have a true understanding of what sciatica is so to give you a bit more understanding I am going to talk to you about Brian.
Brian is a 60 year old male who over the past 25 years has had episodes of low back pain with occasional episodes of leg pain in the right upper thigh going into his posterior leg. This all began after lifting a heavy box of China at work where he felt a pain in his lower back. These episodes vary as to how bad they are and there has been times when he has struggled to walk because of the pain in his leg.

This episode began roughly four weeks prior to him presenting to the clinic and there is nothing apparent that he had done that had brought the pain on. This was initially just in the lower back but then progressed into the right posterior thigh down to the ankle with numbness. This was aggravated by sitting for longer than 15 minutes and by doing things like putting his socks on and eased by walking. This leg pain tended to come and go and was worse in the morning after five minutes of standing.
Brian had no idea where to go and he actually decided to come and see us only because he saw Lushington Chiropractic with a stand in the Eastbourne town centre and saw on our list of presenting conditions sciatica. Prior to this he had never seen anyone for his sciatica, he had just put up with these episodes. Brian also came along to one of our open days at our clinic in Eastbourne where he had a chat with one of our chiropractors and from that booked a consultation.
The Initial Consultation & Examination.
This consultation was one hour long and consisted of a thorough history and examination of his muscles, joints and nerves to understand exactly what was involved and therefore what the best treatment type for him would be. The purpose is always to understand what the route problem is and whether we can help.
On his examination we could see that there was nerve involvement as he had weakness within the right leg compared to the left and a reduction in vibration sensation. Nerve tension tests were also positive with him meaning that there was the irritation of the nerve in the lower back.
The Treatment.
In Brian’s case it was decided that treatment with sacro-occipital technique would be the most effective. This involves using triangular wedges placed in a specific position to ease irritation on the nerve/nerves. This is a very gentle technique and very effective in sciatica cases. I have been using this technique for around three years now and have found in very effective in multiple sciatica cases.
Brian started improving after his first session with us and reported an 85% improvement following ten treatment visits over a five-week period. As we have progressed with treatment with have done regular progress examinations to assess progress and any potential issues. Brian is now back to where he should be, without any sciatica, and gets no episodes of this pain. He now comes in for monthly check-ups to ensure everything is working well and is very happy with the improvement he has had. He also gets regular massage to keep all his muscles working well.
If you have a case like Brian’s and don’t know who to see, then give us a ring at Lushington Chiropractic in Eastbourne on 01323 722499 and hopefully we can help you just like we helped Brian.
Want to find out more about sciatica?
If you’ve enjoyed this blog and would like to find out more, then please check out one of our other blogs on Sciatica below.
James’ Top Three Tips for Dealing with Sciatica at Home
Seventy and Suffering from Sciatica
Can Chiropractic help my Sciatica? A Case Study
Are you suffering from Sciatica?
Piriformis syndrome (sciatica)
New NICE guidelines recommend chiropractic techniques for the lower back pain and sciatica
What is Sciatica? And how can Chiropractic help?
Yours in health,
Mykel your Eastbourne chiropractor.


Call now 01323 722499
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