What is Sciatica and how can chiropractic help? At the chiropractic clinic here in Eastbourne, we hear a lot of people talking about sciatica and asking if chiropractic can help them. Like many people with sciatica, it is often a confusing time when trying to find the right treatment that will work for you. You can sometimes feel ‘left in the dark’ without knowing what to do.
Eastbourne Chiropractor James Revell has written this blog to help answer your questions about sciatica and explain the benefits of chiropractic treatment for sciatica.
What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is the name given to any type of pain or neurological symptom occurring along any part of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body and runs from the back, through the buttocks and down to the feet on both sides.
Irritation to the sciatic nerve is what causes sciatica and the symptoms normally associated with it. This is usually caused by a nerve compression somewhere along its path.
The symptoms caused by irritation to the sciatic nerve may include: pain, numbness, tingling or a loss of sensation in the legs or feet. You may feel one or more than one of these symptoms.
How do I know if it is Sciatica?
We understand that having sciatica and the intense pain it can cause is frustrating and sometimes quite scary. There are lots of different causes and types of sciatica, so it is important to know what may be causing your symptoms in order to receive the most beneficial treatment for you.
Chiropractor’s perform an initial consultation involving a thorough medical history and physical examination of the neuromusculoskeletal system (muscles, joints and nerves) to find out the root cause of a problem or problems. We especially check through the nerves to see if there may be an underlying problem as we can detect trapped nerve type problems early.
Following the initial consultation, your diagnosis and personalised treatment plan is discussed with you.
If you suspect you may have sciatica, it is always best to speak to your chiropractor about any questions or concerns you may have before the problem starts to get worse. As they say, the longer you leave a problem, the worse it gets.
What is Chiropractic and How can it Help with Sciatica?
Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that focuses on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with special emphasis on the spine. It emphasises manual therapy including spinal manipulation and other joint and soft-tissue manipulation, and includes exercises, and health and lifestyle counselling.
Chiropractic care is effective for treating sciatica and for the relief of the symptoms related to sciatica. The treatment involved for sciatica is often a combination of manual therapy, manipulation, soft tissue massage work and function rehabilitation and exercises. Your individual treatment plan will depend according to your personal case and needs. We will always explain the treatment to you and will never do any treatment that you are uncomfortable with.
Want to find out more about sciatica?
Here at the chiropractic clinic in Eastbourne, we see a lot of people who have a history of sciatica.
Due to this, some of my colleagues have written other blogs on sciatica which explore different angles and even some real-life cases of people who have had success with chiropractic here in Eastbourne for their sciatica.
The sciatic nerve: where it comes from and where it goes to.
James’ Top Three Tips for Dealing with Sciatica at Home
Seventy and Suffering from Sciatica
Can Chiropractic help my Sciatica? A Case Study
Are you suffering from Sciatica?
Piriformis syndrome (sciatica)
New NICE guidelines recommend chiropractic techniques for the lower back pain and sciatica
Lushington Chiropractic in Eastbourne is a well-known local clinic and most people who see us are recommended by someone else at the clinic.
If you would like to learn more about the clinic or about how chiropractic care could help you, please click here or call us at 01323 722499.
Thank you,
James Revell DC, LRCC, MSc(Chiro), BSc(Chiro)
Doctor of Chiropractic
Call now 01323 722499
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