Muscle spasm is one of the things that I most commonly see lots of conditions can have associated muscle spasm. As a specialist in muscle joint and trapped nerve type problems it is my job to ask, ‘why is this muscle in spasm’. Often people will think that the spasm itself is the root cause, and yes this may be causing a lot of the pain but the real question is ‘why is this muscle in spasm?’ If you address the underlying issue, then the muscle spasm will not need to be there.

Causes in the low back
There are many different causes of muscle spasm. Take for example spasm in the low back. This can be caused by a ligament sprain in one of the small ligaments around the joints in the spine. This can be caused by many things but the most common reason I find is bending and twisting whilst lifting. Another cause of muscle spasm in the low back could be damage to the disc in the lower lumbar spine. This damage could be a slipped disc. In this instance the body contracts certain muscles to prevent the body going into the positions that aggravate the disc. This is what we call an antalgic posture. An antalgic posture with can also be caused by inflammation in the joints of the low back. All of these problems can cause the same sort of muscle spasm but all have different associated healing times.
Treatment of muscle spasm
The treatment all depends on the cause. Understanding what is causing the muscle spasm is the most important thing. With acute onset, anything less than 72 hours I’d say, ice is a very effective tool. No matter what the underlying cause ice helps to relax inflammation and therefore can ease the spasm by easing the underlying cause. When using an ice pack, you want to apply it for ten minutes, take it off for twenty, and apply it for another ten. Make sure that you do not apply the ice pack directly to the skin as this can cause an ice burn, ensure you wrap it up first.
Many other things can help including massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy, osteopathy, exercise, medication and rest. To know what is best, is to identify the root cause which means being assessed by a specialist such as a chiropractor, who is a specialist in muscle, joint and trapped nerve type problems.
What should I do if my back goes into spasm
If your back was to go into spasm the first thing to do will be to get some ice on it. Do as said above with regards to how and repeat often is key in those early stages. Try to keep moving, as long as it is not too painful, and rest too. Regular little walks and regular little rests.
The most important thing, especially if you have had episodes like this in the past, is to get it checked out properly. This is to find out what the best plan going forwards is and if there is anything that can be done to prevent this kind of problem in the future.
If you have muscle spasm and have any questions then feel free to ring Lushington Chiropractic in Eastbourne on 01323 722499.
Yours in health,
Mykel Mason, your Eastbourne chiropractor.
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