Are you losing your dog in the grass? How to avoid back strains from gardening
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Is it time for you to get the lawnmower out? Here are some tips to avoid back strains from gardening this summer and advice on how to stay healthy!
Tips to avoid back strains from gardening: the most important thing is to make sure that you take regular breaks when gardening. Your back can manage a certain amount of hard labour but if you do all those digging and lifting jobs in one go it will be far more likely to strain, or ‘go’. Also, remember you have probably been more sedentary over the winter so you’ll need to ease back into it.
Have a break every 20 minutes or so, particularly when doing activities where you’re bending over, such as digging garden beds, so that your back can straighten and regain its normal position. This allows the tissues around your spine, including ligaments and muscles, to recover from the exertion. You can do the same amount of work in the garden overall, but spread it out over several days in order to protect your back.

Secondly, remember to stay hydrated! This is particularly important in our hot, arid British summers (!). On a serious note, strenuous gardening will dehydrate you, so do keep up your water intake. Read my blog next month to find out about infused water with ways that you can make water so much more appealing and tasty!
Lastly, alternate the types of activity you are doing in the garden. Spend 20 minutes digging then switch to pruning where you can be in a more upright position, then back to digging or weeding again. Put those breaks in between, and don’t forget to stop and enjoy your handiwork!
If you do suffer from back strain, spasms or even more serious problems with your neck and back, then why not call us here at Lushington Chiropractic – we’re here to help you!
For more information, why not explore Backblog further?
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