Relieving backache can sometimes achieve unexpected but welcome results
The team at Lushington chiropractic in Eastbourne are no strangers to the benefits that chiropractic offer. But it never gets boring to hear patients’ accounts of how getting the right treatment can make a huge difference to their quality of life. Here’s just one example of how easing a common problem like backache helped a patient to lead the lifestyle they wanted.
“Sally” is a guest (patient) of mine and lives locally in Eastbourne. She’s put up with pain for years and is delighted by the unexpected benefits that treatment has provided. She came in today and was excited that “for the first time in two years” she can wear heels again without getting backache.
I thought I would share Sally’s story on the blog because although resolving back pain is a routine part of being a chiropractor, it is important not to lose sight of the real-life impact that our work can have. The benefits of resolving pain and improving alignment can be significant, stretching into unexpected areas of everyday life and making those results even more rewarding for patient and practitioner.
As chiropractors you spend years studying anatomy, nerves, x-rays, adjusting techniques and so on – you even had to study cellular biology, biochemistry and pathology in my day! But what cannot be taught is the human impact and the other benefits that “real” people value when their problem is dealt with.
I’ve been qualified as a chiropractor for 10 years now and I’m still surprised by some of the unexpected benefits people notice with treatment. It is only when you see how pain and discomfort such as backache has restricted a patient’s day-to-day life and altered the way they move that the extent of the improvements becomes apparent.
In Sally‘s case, the treatment has not caused her to lose weight (although her greater comfort and mobility may well make regular exercise easier and more appealing in the long term), but it has relieved her backache and enabled her to stand and walk better. As we mentioned at the start of this article, improving her posture also means that she can wear high heels without pain and I don’t need to explain how important it can be to a person’s confidence to be able to wear the clothes they want.
I did have to add my two-penneth-worth in to remind Sally that chiropractors don’t really approve of heels. However, she assured me they were only for occasional use and that she would be spending most of her time in flats.
How has chiropractic care helped you? If you have had an unusual or unexpected benefit or side effect from treatment we’d love to know. Simply leave your own anecdotes or stories in the comments section below.
And, of course, if you are looking for a chiropractor in Eastbourne, don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can invite you in for a consultation. Or telephone us for a free complimentary chat.
Thank you Sally for sharing your chiropractic story with us.
James Revell
Eastbourne Chiropractor.
Lushington Chiropractic, 30 Lushington Road, Eastbourne. 01323 722499


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