Have you discovered the benefits of deep breathing
Take a nice deep breath in …. feel different?
Many people shallow breathe and are unaware that they are not using their lungs to their full potential. In fact, research has shown that there are many benefits to deep breathing
Bring your mind to the NOW. I bet that you will be breathing with your chest and shoulders rather than your diaphragm and abdominals.
You should be breathing with your abdominal muscles letting your tummy expand as you breathe in. You may think that a protruding tummy is not a great look and does your figure a disservice but it is the only way to breathe for health.
It’s the norm to live a fast paced lifestyle nowadays. With so much on in our lives it can be easy to ignore how we carry out basic functions like breathing. Most people rarely give their breathing a second thought and may not even be aware of the benefits of deep breathing.
On the most basic level, breathing is an integral part of getting oxygen to every living cell in the body. Those who breathe shallow risk the build-up of CO2 in the body. This not only inhibits physical performance but also contributes to a host of broader health problems, including anxiety and fatigue. Deep breathing is critical for optimal detoxification.
Explore the benefits of deep breathing for yourself
You can change your breathing with practice. An easy way to practice is to lie on your back and place one hand on your chest and the other hand on your abdominal area.
Now take a long deep breath in and feel what are your hands doing? You should find that the hand on your abdomen will raise up whilst the hand on your chest doesn’t move or doesn’t rise up to such an extent. Keep practising and you will get there. Once you feel comfortable doing this, try doing the same thing whilst sitting and standing!
If you start with ten deep breaths a day it will soon become second nature and the best bit is that you have a wonderful health exercise to do every time you breath. Keep breathing well, exercising well, moving well, and eating well.
For more advice and guidance on the health issues you haven’t been caring for, consult a qualified and experienced chiropractor, such as a member of the team at Lushington Chiropractic in Eastbourne.


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