You can start to change your health and remove bad habits whenever you feel ready
Life is all about choice and making decisions. If you choose, tomorrow could be the day you start to get up earlier, read more, exercise regularly, eat better and worry less. That is the beauty of every new day, it is a free gift for you to use as you wish.
You have the ability to change your health each and every day. If you make enough of those small changes over time then you may start to notice a bigger transformation occurring – one that your body will thank you for.
A simple thing like having a regular raw juice first thing in the morning can do a lot more than just nourish your body. It can focus you on having a healthy day. Starting with a positive action can keep you on that same path throughout the day. It can help focus the mind and the person to make better choices throughout the day, it can give you motivation to exercise more, it may put you in a better mood on your commute to work, it may start to make you more grateful for what you have and where you are going.
With a more positive mindset and a proactive approach to your lifestyle, you can find joy and contentment. You may even develop a confidence that helps you in your relationships with others. Often, taking steps to bring about change can unlock a creative edge as you begin to think outside of the norm on a more regular basis.
These are just some of the health benefits I think juicing regularly brings to me and my life. It is a small change that I have made, yet when I think about how it has brought about bigger changes it’s quite mind-blowing. Those effects can be far reaching and even influence parts of my life I would never have associated with making and drinking a juice in the morning.
Here is the one I made today:
4 Carrots
1 Apple
1 large Beetroot
1 small Orange
2 large handfuls of Spinach
Making a change to your health doesn’t have to be a grand gesture
If you are looking to change your health, it can be helpful to speak to a health professional to share ideas and explore how improvements can be easily integrated into your daily routine. Making a change to your health does not always have to be a complete overhaul of diet, exercise regime and lifestyle. It can instead begin with a small tweak that leads to other baby steps. The accumulation of these changes over time is where you will really see the difference.
Even a simple step like reading Back Blog can help you to change your mindset when it comes to wellbeing. If one person takes something positive from the articles we contribute here, then it is a worthwhile endeavour.
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