Getting into bad habits is really easy at the moment and I thought I’d share an issue my wife and I have been having. This is to do with food and snacking. At the moment our bad habit is snacking throughout the day. It has been so easy to do when you are inside all day and especially if you are bored. The biggest issue with this is that the snacks that we tend to go for are things like crisps and my wife is a lover of chocolate. Now I know we’re not the only one who loves crisps and chocolate but I also know that we should not be eating them everyday so we have been trying to make a conscious effort to change.
Be aware of what you’re eating
The first thing we all need to do is actually think about what we are eating. What we tend to do is just dip into the cupboard and start eating without registering that we are even doing it. We also do this without being hungry. Even though most of us have more time now we are going for foods of convenience rather than taking the time to make something better for us. We have got into this lazy pattern and it is difficult to get out of it, it requires effort.
Get into a routine
Getting into a routine, we have found, has been one of the biggest things to help us change this is . We all have a day to day routine when life is ‘normal’, but now that we are confined to home we need to find a new routine. Setting our alarm again and eating at the same times every day were the first things we did. This has automatically helped us with the snacking. We have also made sure that we put activities into our daily routine with 30 minutes of exercises and an hour long walk. As a person who likes to do things it has also been important for me that we wrote a list of things that need to be done. This helps me to feel productive and occupy my time in a good way. Next job sorting out those boxes in the loft.
Eating healthy snacks

We have also substituted most of our snacks with healthier alternatives. We are enjoying nuts and seeds and also doing the odd smoothie to get our nutrients up. Smoothies can also help you stay full for longer when good fats are added like full-fat yoghurt, avocado, nuts and coconut milk. It is so important at this time that we are eating healthy. This helps us to have a healthy immune system to fight off viruses but also helps with basically every condition you can think of. Cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, sleep apnoea, gut issues, mood, memory, bone health etc. etc.
Take time to make healthy meals

We all have a bit more time on our hands at the moment so it is the perfect time to try that recipe you’ve been meaning to try for ages. We’ve done a little bit of baking (not so healthy) but also have tried a few different meals for dinner. Last night my wife made us a very healthy chicken and mushroom soup with pak choi and spirulina and it was lovely.
These changes have really helped us as well as keeping physically active. Check out James’ blog here on why it is so important. If you’ve got any other questions at all feel free to reach out to us by commenting here, on our Facebook site or on our website.
Yours in health,
Mykel your Eastbourne chiropractor
By Mykel Mason
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