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It’s As Simple As That

History of Chiropractic. At Lushington Chiropractic we are keen to practise using a wellness based approach. Therefore we take care of the whole person, not just the area of discomfort. The body is an interconnected system, which is made to self-heal. A Chiropractic adjustment helps facilitate this healing action. Find out more by asking your Chiropractor about our Dr you booklet, pictured above.

Alt text: At Lushington Chiropractic we are keen to practise using a wellness based approach. Therefore we take care of the whole person, not just the area of discomfort. The body is an interconnected system, which is made to self-heal. A Chiropractic adjustment helps facilitate this healing action. Find out more by asking your Chiropractor about our Dr you booklet, pictured above.

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