Eastbourne Chiropractor James Revell talks about why it is not safe to click your own back or neck and the consequences that result from frequent self-adjusting.
Imagine the following scenario…
After a couple of hours of working on the laptop, sitting in uncomfortable positions or driving for long distances, we can all feel a little stiff or achy. So, what do we do? We try to click our own back or neck for some instant relief and that satisfying popping sound!
At the chiropractic clinic in Eastbourne, I tend to advise against self-adjusting or clicking your own neck or back. People often ask me why, which is why I have decided to write this blog.
I will talk about what really happens when we click our own back and neck and why it is unsafe to do so.
What Happens When I Click my Own Back or Neck?
When we click our own spine, the joints that actually ‘click’ or release, are the ones above or below the restricted or stiff joint. By self-clicking or self-adjusting our own spines, we are not able to target the restricted or stiff joint but rather the ones which surround it.
The ‘popping’ sound that you hear with an adjustment, whether it is by a chiropractor or when you click your own back or neck, is actually the fluid being moved within the synovial joint from an area of high pressure to an area with a different level of pressure.
By releasing the pressure in the joints above and below the restricted one, there is some short-term temporary relief from discomfort. A couple of hours later, the tension will start to creep back in. It is at this point when we will attempt to release the same joints. Then we find we are clicking the same part of our spine again and again.
It is the repetitive self-adjusting or self-clicking of these spinal joints that lead to avoidable and undesirable consequences.
What are the Consequences of Clicking my own Back or Neck?
The spine is made up of 33 bones, 23 intervertebral disks, 31 nerves, 1 spinal cord, muscles and ligaments. We need to look after our spines and make sure that it is as strong as it can possibly be.
Repetitive self-adjusting of the joints above and below the restricted or stiff joint lead to damage to the muscles, tendons and ligaments of those joints causing them to become weaker.
Over time, the restricted joint will start to become stiffer and move less and the joints that are repetitively released will start to move more and become weaker in compensation. This means the ligaments will become stretched and the muscles will become tight which eventually leads to weakness, instability and further spinal problems.
What are the Benefits of having Chiropractic Adjustments?
The noise or ‘popping’ sound that you hear during a chiropractic adjustment is the same noise you hear if you were to click your own back or neck. However, the differences in what happens during a chiropractic adjustment makes it a lot safer than when you click your own neck or back.
At Lushington Chiropractic in Eastbourne, our chiropractors do a thorough examination to find out the root cause of a problem before creating a personalised treatment plan for you.
During a chiropractic adjustment, the focus is on a specific segment which isn’t working properly. The main aim of the adjustments is to ensure the optimum function of the entire neuromusculoskeletal (nerves, muscles and joints) system.
If you or someone you know clicks their own back or neck a lot, they may benefit from having a chiropractic consultation with us here at Lushington Chiropractic in Eastbourne.
Call us on 01323 722499 to find out more.
By James Revell
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