Chiropractic in Eastbourne
Many people who have never seen a Chiropractor (and even some who have) wonder what their first appointment will bring. In this article, James Revell, a chiropractor in Eastbourne at Lushington Clinic explains the basics to help put your mind at ease!
Your first visit is a consultation, not a treatment visit. As Chiropractors, our primary aim at the consultation is get to the root of the problem – this gives us a diagnosis that is individual to you. We go through this diagnostic process in stages…
What is involved in a chiropractic consultation?
The first part of your consultation is spent reading the health questionnaire you will have completed while in reception before your visit, and also asking you in-depth questions about your complaint. These questions might include asking how and when the problem first came on; if you suffer unusual symptoms such as numbness/tingling in the limbs; what you do at work (posture has a huge impact on health and if you are sitting all day at a computer this WILL be relevant!); and what activities aggravate or relieve the pain, among many others. Don’t worry, it won’t feel like an interrogation, just a chance for us to get to know you as a person as well as a ‘case’!
We will also ask if you have any other aches and pains, because we are interested in you as a whole and often these issues will be linked. For example, people who come to see me because of neck pain are often surprised that I ask “how frequently do you get headaches?” In fact, people who have neck pain have restricted joint movement and over-tight musculature of the neck, which often leads to referred headaches. Those of you who say “I’ve always carried a lot of tension in my shoulders” may fall into this category.
This thorough history gives us a strong idea of what is causing your complaint, and after this we do a neuro-orthopaedic examination to confirm our diagnosis. We will step out of the room to let you get changed into a gown, much like a hospital gown, that will cover you up; there is no need to be undressed in front of us. The exam is important because it is where we confirm not just if it’s a joint, muscle or nerve that is causing the problem, but exactly which joint, muscle or nerve is affected. Detail is important as it affects out management plan.
Next Blog article…
In my next post I will discuss your Report of Findings visit, to let you know what you can expect.
Thanks for reading!
If there is anything else you would like explained or you are looking for a chiropractor in Eastbourne, please either leave me a comment and I’ll reply or you can email me at If you are considering in signing up we would love to hear from you.
Article written by our Chiropractor James Revell
By James Revell
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