How to get a Healthier You for the New Year
Did you know only 8% of the population succeed with their New Year’s Resolution?
This failure can be attributable to lack of willpower, although many experts believe that the failure is due to the choice of resolutions. The goals set are often too vague and too unrealistic to produce long lasting changes. Research has shown that choosing specific, attainable goals makes people more likely to succeed.
If your New Year’s resolutions included a healthier lifestyle, here are some goals to consider and some ways to incorporate them in your daily life:
Our bodies are made up of 60% water. Water helps your body to function optimally since all major body systems require water. In general, you should aim to drink 2 litres of water a day. To get in your quota, commit to drinking several glasses of water each day at particular times, such as a full glass of water at each meal or first thing when you wake up. Keep a water bottle with you to prevent you from hitting up the vending machine. Other drinks contribute to adequate fluid levels, but sugary drinks, such as soft drinks and juices, are high in calories and may cause tooth decay.
Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fatty fish are some of the many foods that benefit the body. To incorporate more of these foods into your diet, pick a specific goal such as eating one to two servings of fruits and vegetables at each meal. Meal planning is key to meeting your nutritional goals; plan meals and snacks ahead and shop accordingly. The less naughty foods you have in your cupboards the less temptation you have to go for the unhealthy option.
Start small and simple and build it up. Find something you enjoy! There are many reasons to commit to exercise; exercise reduces the risk of many chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, depression, and diabetes. Exercise is also linked to healthier sleep, improved mood, and higher immunity. While any exercise is better than none, aim for 150 minutes a week to achieve maximum benefit. To achieve this goal, schedule activity into your daily activities.
The optimal amount of sleep varies for each person, usually this amount varies from between 7-9 hours for each night. Getting adequate sleep is linked to improved immune function, reduced stress and sickness, better cognitive functioning, and better mood. Commit to maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, do this by aiming for a specific bedtime, and wind down with relaxing activities, such as reading for thirty minutes before.
Regular adjustments can help you feel better and help your body work optimally. In addition to regular adjustments, your Doctor of Chiropractic can provide lifestyle and wellness advice.
The best chance for success in creating a healthier you in the New Year is to schedule these positive behaviours into your daily routine. Commit certain times to exercise and sleep. Set your Chiropractic appointments in advance, and stick to them.

One of our lovely Chiropractic assistants Carole, pictured above has chosen to increase the amount of water she drinks as her New Year’s resolution. She now makes sure that she’s has a large glass of water at the reception desk throughout the day, so she can take regular sips. Well done, Carole!
Keep an eye out for more of my blogs so you can find out more about increasing your health.


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