Eastbourne Chiropractor’s Self Help Advice for Neck Pain and Headaches
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PDF Handout DownloadSo, you have probably read my previous blog post about Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain and Headaches
That post (read here) detailed some of the types of neck pain and headaches that people such as yourself can suffer from. At the end of that article I mentioned that this following blog would discuss some very useful self-help tips that you can do at home. These will allow you to manage your symptoms and will give you a measure of control over how you are feeling.
These small everyday actions achieve this by keeping your joints moving well and releasing your neck muscular tension in between your treatments, therefore making your spine function better in general.
We will discuss posture and ergonomics, but firstly, we will go through a few key neck stretches.
Neck Stretches
These are simple to do and will help to relieve your muscular tightness and can help you avoid headaches. Do them regularly (every day) and also when you feel a headache coming on. The upper trapezius muscles are the ones that you feel at the tops of your shoulders, going up into the neck, and when tight these muscles can often contribute to headaches, felt up and over the head and behind the eyes.
To stretch the upper trapezius muscles, begin by standing (or sitting) tall with your shoulders straight, then bring your right ear down to your right shoulder so that your head is tilted, and use your right hand to very gently pull down the head to increase the stretch. Repeat on the left side to keep it even.
The small suboccipital muscles are at the back and top of the neck. They go from the top of the neck to the base of the skull, and when tight can cause headaches to be felt in that same area. To stretch the suboccipital muscles keep your shoulders and back straight (as always!) and tuck your chin down to give yourself a double chin. Then use your hands to gently pull to increase the stretch.
Improving your posture is vital when you suffer from neck pain and headaches. Simply put, if you are constantly putting your spine in awkward positions then how can you expect the joints and muscles to function normally?
Awkward postures/positions and how to fix them are detailed here…
Problem – Lying on your side on the sofa.
Fix – Sit straight on the sofa, with cushions behind you so your back is straight and with both feet flat on the floor. The TV should be directly in front of you so you don’t need to turn your head.
Problem – Sleeping with the incorrect number of pillows (or even worse, on your front).
Fix – Sleep on your back with one pillow or on your side with two. Speak to your chiropractor for more details as this is a whole topic in itself!
Problem – Holding the phone between your shoulder and your ear for prolonged periods of time
Fix – Avoid this completely
Problem – Reading with your head tilted downwards towards your book/phone.
Fix – Bring your book or phone up towards your face, not the other way around
Check that your desk is set up in an ergonomically correct position, and that everything you need to reach is within arm’s length. Speak to your Eastbourne chiropractor for more details, or take a photo of yourself sitting at your desk in with you to your chiropractic treatment to ask for individual detailed advice.
Want to find out more about Headaches?
If you’ve enjoyed this blog and want to find out more about headaches and migraines, then please check out one of our other blogs below.
Revision Tips Helped Maddie’s Headaches as well as her Studies
An Eastbourne Chiropractor’s tips for prevention of migraines
Chiropractic Treatment for Neck Pain and Headaches
Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches
Migraine Sufferers helped by Lushington Chiropractors
How common are neck pain and headaches?
Advice/self-help for neck pain and headaches
Posture advice when working on a laptop.
Thanks for reading,
By James Revell
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