Chiropractic Technique
In our Eastbourne Chiropractic clinic, Lushington Chiropractic, we are truly blessed to have a multidisciplinary team. This team consists of chiropractors, sports massage therapists, acupuncturists and more. Each different health care profession in our clinic brings different techniques approaches to our guests. Added up, this means that the care our guests in Eastbourne receive is truly first rate.
Among our chiropractors, there are different techniques used by each of us. This difference allows us to approach patients in slightly different ways, but always with the improvement of the patient as our goal. One of the techniques that we have in common between the chiropractors here in Eastbourne is called Sacro Occipital Technique. This is a technique that is learnt with separate specialty seminars to the general chiropractic degree. Seeing as you are likely to have experienced this technique if you have seen any of our chiropractors, I thought it would be a good idea to discuss this technique in a bit more detail. I am only going to talk about the history in this blog post as it is long enough already!
Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) is a technique used by chiropractors and first developed by a man nicknamed “the major”. This man’s full name was Dr Bertrand DeJarnette and he developed SOT in the USA in 1925.
DeJarnette was originally an engineer before suffering serious injuries due to an explosion in a car factory he was working at. These injuries caused him immense pain and discomfort. He tried and tried to no avail to seek medical help, but didn’t experience any relief from his symptoms until he started receiving spinal manipulative treatment. He credited this with saving his life. DeJarnette was so impressed by it he wanted others like he himself to be helped.
When DeJarnette was qualified and practicing as a chiropractor, he started to feel like something was missing. To him, the classic chiropractic adjustment wasn’t giving him the full answer and solution to pursuing better health. DeJarnette decided to dedicate himself to exploring this thought over the next few decades. He performed clinical research in his search to develop a specialised approach to health and chiropractic, eventually discovering the link between the sacrum, which is a bone in your pelvis, and the occiput, which is a bone in your skull. DeJarnette’s technique details procedures for analysing and correcting pelvic, spinal, visceral and extremity problems using specific methods.
Furthering SOT
Perhaps due to his previous experience of being an engineer, DeJarnette was extremely methodical in his work. He was also perhaps fortunate to be working in a less litigious time, when ethical committees simply did not exist. On top of all this, he had a burning passion for understanding the physiology of the human body and the effects of chiropractic adjustments on this.
In fact, DeJarnette had such a passion for this understanding that he was also a prolific researcher, working for over 6 decades to perfect his chiropractic techniques and teach others. By the time of his death he had published his work in over 100 research papers, booklets and books.
Nowadays, to learn this technique as a chiropractor you are required to attend weekend seminars. To be a fully qualified SOT practitioner you need to attend 11 weekend modules, which due to scheduling could take up to 6 years to complete!!
I hope that this has been helpful background information on one of the most common chiropractic techniques and one of the techniques you may have experienced at our clinic in Eastbourne. If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us here or ask your chiropractor next time you visit us in Eastbourne for your next adjustment.
Lushington Chiropractic is Eastbourne largest and most award-winning chiropractic clinic. We are based in Eastbourne’s town centre, with easy parking and accessible rooms. Our chiropractic clinic is open late and Saturdays. We have a lovely team of chiropractors serving the people of Eastbourne so if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me on 01323 722499.
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