Qi Gong with Lushington Chiropractic
Qi Gong has been developing for hundreds of years. Find out more in this blog post
Qi Gong is designed to conserve and build energy through postural exercises and slow, gentle movements. Qi Gong also involves using the mind to guide qi to parts of the body where it is needed to strengthen and heal.
When practised regularly, Qi Gong’s gentle, smooth and flowing movements exercise the joints without stressing or damaging them as high impact sports tend to do, therefore keeping degenerative diseases of the joints at bay and restoring normal functioning to injured limbs and joints. Due to its low impact nature, it can be practiced by anyone at any age. Practitioners of tai chi have found that not only could tai chi help them recover from illness, it could also prevent them from becoming ill in the first place.
Medical research has shown that Qi Gong may help to strengthen the immune system, benefit the endocrine system and improve heart function. Common to all styles of Qi Gong is the technique of deep diaphragmatic breathing. Breath control is the key to energy control and it is through the breath that the mind can take control of the body and regulate its vital functions.
You will come out of a relaxation session revived and refreshed with your energy strengthened. When we progressively let go of tension in the body and mind we learn to access a deep inner peace. We learn how to let go.
Tai Chi Chuan is also recognised by the NHS and World Health Organisation as a fantastic source of healthy gentle exercise.

New course at Lushington Clinic!
Why not come and try out Qi Gong. We have a new 4 week beginners course starting 7th June (Tuesdays) 7.15pm to 8.15pm.
Cost: Was £49 now £29
To book your place please call Lushington Chiropractic on 01323 722499 or call Robert 01323 318119/07796545669
We look forward to seeing you.
By Rob
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