What will happen in my first chiropractic appointment?
In your first chiropractic appointment it will be important to all of the specific details relating to your problem. A chiropractor will also perform an examination to find out how we can help you.
What is the purpose of the first chiropractic appointment?
As a chiropractor I am a specialist in muscle, joint and trapped nerve type problems and focus on getting to the root of the problem rather than simply treating symptoms. We will ask questions about why you have come to see us: what’s wrong and where are you experiencing problems. We also require for more information about your lifestyle, activity levels and any pain medication you are taking currently. Gathering information is important because it enables us to build a more complete picture of the state of your health.
Before we meet
Before coming in to see me you will fill out a couple of forms so that we can get a lot of that information straight away. Some of this is just name, date of birth etc. but then it goes into more detail about your individual health history, family history and what you’ve come in to see me for. There is also a consent form so that you have all the information and are comfortable at all times.
In the room
Once we’ve done our introductions I will then take you into the room and we will start looking into things in more detail. How you see things is very important to me so often I will ask you to tell me what is going on and just listen. Next I will ask specific questions to get those specific details to help me identify what is going on as very different problems can cause very similar symptoms with subtle differences.
Once we’ve got all the history that we need we will proceed with an examination. This will consist of orthopaedic testing, neurological testing and chiropractic testing. This will give us a lot of essential information in identifying the root cause of the problem.
What happens after the first chiropractic appointment
After the examination sometimes we need further information and may refer out for further testing such as x-rays. This will only be done if it is seen as necessary in your case.
If at the end of the consultation I think I cannot help you then I will look to recommend someone who can. In cases where we can help you, we will begin to put together a care plan for you, which we will go through in detail during your next visit. This is essentially a report of findings that is included within the consultation fee (any treatment at the visit is not included).
If you would like any more information on seeing a chiropractor please see

our website ‘first visit’ or you can leave me a comment or give me a call on 01323 722499.
Yours in health,
Mykel Mason your Eastbourne Chiropractor
By Mykel Mason
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