This October Lushington are supporting Stoptober, stop smoking campaign.
At Lushington our core values are:
To promote a healthy lifestyle for improved wellbeing
To spread the word of chiropractic care and its benefits throughout the community
Success and Growth
To grow as a business but also as people!
With our value for better health and wellbeing we are proud to help support the Stoptober campaign.
What is Stoptober and why is it so important?
When we make big changes in our life it is always better to start with small steps first. Research suggests that those who successfully give up for four weeks are five times more likely to stay smoke-free.
The NHS said that last year more than 160, 000 people managed to stop smoking for the month of October with the Stoptober campaign.
Here are some interesting facts for you:
- There are approximately 10 million adults in Britain who smoke cigarettes
Find out how quickly you’ll notice the benefits of quitting with this stop smoking timeline.
- 20 minutes of not smoking: blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.
- 8 hours of not smoking: nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal.
- 24 hours of not smoking: carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
For more help and information visit
Ready to quit?
Thinking of giving up this October? Remember that you don’t have to do it alone and that quitting can be a team effort. There’s nothing wrong with getting advice, guidance and moral support from those around you.
With that in mind, we want you to let us know how you get on. Share your comments below and we’ll support you however we can.
Looking for chiropractic care in Eastbourne? Call today to see why over 8,000 local people have already chosen Lushington Chiropractic to help them. 01323 722499
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