Sue Hudson Clinical Sport and Remedial Massage Therapist BSc ( Hons) LSSM (Dip) MISRM
Lushington’s Q & A:
What would your perfect Sunday consist of:
In Summer a nice sea swim followed by coffee and cake ( cake is always required after a sea swim) . Afternoon in the garden and a nice meal in the evening.
Favourite Meal:
There are too many lovely things to choose from to have a favourite – I love trying new and unusual things
Favourite TV show:
QI, Have I got news for you, Mock the week
Inspirational people rather than hero/heroine . Its got to be Sister Madonna Buder – a catholic nun who decided at age 48 to leave her closed order to take up triathlon training and after years of racing still currently holds the world record for the oldest women to complete an ironman length triathlon (2.4mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run) at the age of 81 in 2012– an inspirational person who shows that age is not a barrier!
Favourite Sport:
To compete in – Triathlon – swimming, cycling and running in that order. Also love scuba diving in warm waters although the equipment is a bit heavy out of the water!
I like watching track running and cross country running live rather than on TV .
I Used to have a season ticket at one of the larger London football Clubs but I won’t mention which one.
Laughs at:
People taking themselves too seriously
First pet:
It might have been a hamster but not sure if it was mine or my brother’s but it soon escaped and was replaced by an unfriendly black cat. (The cat might have had something to do with the hamster’s disappearance.)
Motivated to:
Try out new things. Stay active and enjoy it. Keep learning.
How many places have you travelled to:
Far too many to list but since taking up Triathlon I have competed in Australia, New Zealand, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Holland, Madeira, Hungary, Czech Republic, Hawaii and Canada.
Have also visited most of Europe and North Africa, bits of the USA and the middle East , Mexico , Fiji and Iceland
Lots more still on the list to see !
First record/CD:
I think it was Tobacco Road by the Nashville Teens. Still one of my favourites by a great British group despite the name . If you’ve never heard it ….
If you were an animal what would you be and why:
A pine marten .
I once stayed in a cottage in Scotland where they visited every evening. Very inquisitive but wary and they loved jam sandwiches as a treat .
What was your favourite toy as a child:
A red tricycle . Many hours spent out with my friends cycling around east brighton park and along the undercliff walk in Brighton.
Can you play any instruments?:
NO but I tried the gazoo.
Any unusual hobbies:
Coaching adult triathletes in running and swimming .
By Sue Hudson
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